Principal's Message

He is DR. S.VENKATESHWAR RAO principal of RBVRR College of Education. He was completed M.Com, M.A(His), M.A(Philosophy), M.S.C(Psychology), M.Ed his total experience in teaching is 20 years and as a principal 9 years in RBVRR College of Education. He did so many social services and motivated so many students. He is very dedicated towards his duties.

To contribute to learning, teaching, assessment and ongoing curriculum development through involvement. As part of learn, designing, developing and evaluating learning, teaching and assessment activities and materials. Taking responsibility for the coordination of discrete pats of curricula, including module leadership.

Participating in the quality enhancement of learning, teaching and assessment activities within the framework of the university’s quality enhancement processes and assessment regulations adopting a reflective approach towards the development of own practice.



Principal of RBVRR College of Education